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NUK Easy Learning Snack Box


You can’t have a family outing without snacks – you don’t want your active little one hungry between meals. The NUK SNACK BOX is perfect for tiny hands and helps keep snacks inside the box.



You can’t have a family outing without snacks – you don’t want your active little one hungry between meals. The NUK SNACK BOX is perfect for tiny hands and helps keep snacks inside the box.

  • Keeps snacks such as grapes or pieces of apple nice and safe – ideal for on the go
  • Soft lid with silicone slats makes it easy to reach into without anything falling out
  • Extra lid for keeping contents fresh and for out and about
  • For children from 36 months old


The NUK Easy Learning Snack Box is ideally suited for this: it keeps little snacks such as slices of fruit or vegetables safe, even when you are out and about. Particularly practical is the lid with its soft silicone slats: children’s little hands or mothers’ nifty fingers can easily reach through the slats and take a piece of fruit or vegetable. There is an extra, close-fitting lid which makes sure the box shuts tightly and keeps the contents fresh. It can be used with its ergonomic handles as and when required. Suitable for children from 36 months old.

The NUK Easy Learning Snack Box: a practical companion for every trip!

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